Tag Archives: fear

Shave my What?

As 2016 begins to emerge, I sense a clean slate arising. The fences that I have created within my own head appear to be falling over, and the discovery of new terrain ensues. I like to refer to this as expansion. There is a pristine truth that is rolling in which is so refreshing. I am able to look at myself without obscurity and fear. Ahh fear, you naughty little minx. It is through fear that truth can emerge. Fear’s true power is bringing attention to a block within self, a block prevents expansion from happening and expansion is the act of remembering where we come from and why we are here. What we decide to do with those fears defines our ride. So in honor of celebrating fears I have decided to bare mine and explore their truth’s.

First off is something that I always talked about doing, knowing that someday I would gain the courage and JFDI (just fucking do it). Shave My Head. My fear: looking ugly, having no control over the grow out phases, not being able to hide behind my thick locks and being judged. My truth: I would let go of my hair to remind myself that even though I have no idea or control over how I will look or what people will think, I will be expressing something from within which is far brighter and more important.

A fresh start. New perspective. Stepping over my limitations. Expanding my consciousness. Game on… anyone have a razor?? Oh balls, here I come fear…




Done! It feels good doing something with intention. I believe the velocity in which we move both physically and energetically can be felt by others nearby. In other words, when we make large interpersonal steps and allow others to be apart of our process they too feel the shift taking place and it can move them.

I have to admit that I hesitated posting this and even venturing down this path of blogging. It too happens to be a fear of mine, in fact it is the common denominator to most of my fears; Allowing people inside my head. My Fear: I will be received out of context, I will validate my insecurities of not fitting in, I will be judged. My truth: I have an annoying critic living in my brain, who is obstructing the flow of self love.

Here we are, I’m Kadie, I have always used various forms of art to release  my fierce creative energy. During my college years I created a picture in my mind where I would get to a place in my life when I had put enough time and energy into my design career that I would be able to fuel and pursue other passions. I envisioned it to be a chapter in life where I would have my cake and eat it too, I believe I have arrived to this chapter in my life, as anticipated but nothing like I had pictured. Nonetheless I am here and am about to go on an adventure full of travel and enlightenment. I am ready to explore my soul, understand my purpose and learn to share it with others. I will be leaving for India on 11116 and I plan to share my adventures, photos, thoughts and stories with you.

Give to self. Create. Share with others. Rinse and Repeat.

See you on the other side,
